April 01, 2008

Razor Rebrand - Creative Change

Well, it's been a long and arduous process, but we finally narrowed the choices down to one very solid logo that we're all real proud of. We knew it was time for Change, but we never imagined that it would become such a transforming and inspiring force that would sweep over our entire company causing us to refocus our efforts in every aspect of our company. Without any further ado, we give you the new Razor Creative Logo:

Razor Creative's new logo understands the immense transformative power of technology and innovation and how they can improve the lives of all. It sees that technology offers the tools to create real change. Razor's forward-thinking 21st century technology and innovation policy starts by recognizing that we need to connect all citizens with each other to engage them more fully and directly in solving the problems that face us. In tandem with that goal, Razor understands that we must use all available technologies and methods to open up the federal government, creating a new level of transparency to change the way business is conducted giving everyone the chance to participate in decision-making in ways that were not possible only a few years ago. To achieve this vision, Razor will encourage the deployment of the most modern communications infrastructure. In turn, that infrastructure can be used to reduce the costs, help solve our energy crisis, create new jobs, and fuel our economic growth.