March 17, 2007

The best form of flattery

Here's a great ad for FedEx (by BBDO in France, which won a Cannes Silver Lionin 2000) and a current ad that's well... I guess it has to be considered great too (by Ogilvy & Mather in London).

I guess the folks at O&M thought that they could make this concept better by:
  1. Not showing the guy - DHL will actually go farther into a manhole than FedEx.
  2. Moving the scene to China - DHL must be better, China is much farther away.
  3. Changing the tagline from "Whatever it takes" to Nothing stops us" - DHL has a better grasp of proper English grammar and sentence structure.
Maybe they also figured that no one would notice their blatant plagarism considering the original FedEx ad ran 7 years ago. But in case they did get caught, they would use all older model cars, so people would believe their ad came first.