May 24, 2013

A great message to all young Creatives

Bridging the gap between good taste and great work…

This American Life host and producer Ira Glass is considered among our generations top storytellers. In an interview from Current TV from a few years ago, he talks about the art crafting great stories, but this part of the interview can apply perfectly to almost any creative endeavour.

As a personal side project, designer and filmmaker David Shiyang Liu created this piece that presents a part of this now famous interview as a kinetic type video that I think is quite cool.

I know I went through that same "phase" he talks about...

So right:
"…Grit is what separates mere good taste from great work, and that the only way to bridge the gap between ability and ambition is to actually do the work…" "The most important possible thing you can do is do a lot of work."

You can watch the original interview in its entirety here: Ira Glass Interview