Found this post on the brandflakesforbreakfast blog
He talks about a business card he got at a conference -- see the image.
Here's what he had to say:
"I've got pockets and pockets full of business cards. At a conference like SXSW, there are a lot of cards attempting to be great. Many try so hard to be "creative" that they just end up blending in. Or look like an invite to a party.
But Brian Shaler is different. Brian Shaler has reinvented. His card is pictured above. You're probably thinking that the back of the card has all of his contact information, laid out in a clever way. It doesn't. Just his name, backwards.
At a party, I was talking to Brian, and someone came up to complain. "C'mon Brian - I need a real card. I need a card with your email address, or something."
Brian's response?
"You have everything you need to contact me, on that card. If you can't find me by using that card, then we really don't need to communicate." (Or something to that effect, probably said more eloquently.)
Genius. Absolute, pure internet genius. And he's right. I'm not even going to link to him. If you want to get in touch with Brian, you have his business card, above."