March 08, 2007

Best local TV?

Someone (with lots of time) undertook to compile a list of the The 50 Greatest Local TV Commercials (that he could find on YouTube). How does he define greatest? Well given most of the spots are produced by the local TV station, he says in order to get noticed..."you make a commercial so absurd, so ridiculous, so awful, that everyone is talking about it." And mostly that's not the intent, but the outcome.

You can view the whole list here.

I've selected a few gems.

Norton Furniture Yes Grasshopper Commercial

There are a whole series of these...

Satan Is Dead!

A local Church produced these. The Sherif seems a bit uncomfortable.

Vern Fonk Insurance Wishes You Merry Christmas

...Merry CHRIST-moss... this is just scary.

Christopher Knight for School Board TV Commercial #1

Why didn't this guy get elected? Beats me.

For my money, nothing beats the Cunard Restaurant TV spot that has been running for at least 20 years. It's not that it's bad... its just that the same spot has been running forever. If any one has a copy of the spot, please send it to us and we'll post it. Or send links to your fav. local TV spot.