January 16, 2007

Watch this movie.

I know I'm a little behind on this one, but hey... been busy ok? Anyway, I finally got to see An Inconvenient Truth last night. I must admit, I was skeptical going into it thinkng that it may be filled with fear mongering and be very political. Although it does have some political undertones, the main agenda is clear and the facts are indisputable. Yes, I now am filled with fear too (although it's the right kind of fear, not the "vote for me or the terrorists will get you" kind), and I also have a new respect for Al and the legacy he is creating.

Today, I look at the world differently than I did yesterday. We truly are a virus, a cancer if you will, and we've chosen to take over and infect our host, and if we don't change... she will die. Until we find another suitable host, and a spaceship that can get a few billion of us to it... maybe we should try and repair the damage to this one.

Watch this movie.