July 03, 2006


Great Ads! (I know, these are crappy resolution versions- what you should be able to see in all 3 shots is the reflection of the photographer leaning in to take the picture)

The Art Director has to be a person like me who always looks at photography of shiny things to try to find either the camera, or where they retouched the camera out. If you've ever been on this type of photoshoot, you'll know what a challenge this can be. (David Corkum is the master of this - he shoots a lot of vehicles with chrome and does all the photography for Paderno pots & pans)

It also reminds me of this famous picture that floated around the net many years ago that started the whole reflectoporn thing (Link contains NSFW images). This dude was selling a tea kettle on an online auction and this was the picture he posted: