Anyone that grew up in the 80's should remember this one:
To mark the 30 year anniversary of the original spot, they've created a timely follow up with an added wake-up call to all us who remember it who now have kids of our own.
What started as a video back in 2006 of four guys, eight treadmills and a silver tarp for a backdrop, has grown and grown into more and more epic videos, each out-doing the previous. These guys are great.
Meet Bob Partington. Bob is an inventor, director and TV personality, you’ve probably seen some of his work in commercials but never knew it was him. Here is a spotlight of his unique genius in one of his first big forays into YouTube. What starts as a simple mini golf putt takes an interesting turn, and an insanely long time to get to the hole, set to the epic beats of Kayne West’s “Drive Slow”!
Rich Gould is co-founder of Razor Creative, a Moncton based marketing, branding and design agency that was acquired in 2016. Besides that, he's a Superdad, an illustrator, hockey coach, ivory tickler and offbeat drummer.